Anoressia: pericolo di complicità su Internet (also pasted here) is what concerned me today -- for having had on and off eating disordered life since before I was a teenager, the topic isn't something that I would run to rarely.
Ana Carolina Reston, ayoung, talented, beautiful (pictures of her), Brazilian model (her agency's RIP page) died 15 November 2006 because of anorexia. She weighed only 40 kilograms (88 lbs.), measured 1.72 m (5'8"), and had been hospitalized since October 25 for kidney malfunction due to anorexia nervosa and bulimia, which included a diet of only eating apples and tomatoes. Her condition became more serious and deteriorated into generalized infection that led to her death at the age of 21. After her death, her mum will not keep quiet.
Viviane Setti, the mother of Miss Reston's boyfriend, said: "Ana's death should serve as a wake-up call to all modelling agencies about anorexia. There's nothing glamorous about an ending like hers."

She was the second anorexic model reported to have died in 2006. Luisel Ramos, 22, suffered a heart attack in August after living on lettuce leaves and Diet Coke for three months.
A young Uruguayan model died of heart failure while participating in a fashion show during Fashion Week in Montevideo (Uruguay), according to officials at the hotel where the show was held. 22 year-old Luisel Ramos felt ill after walking the catwalk, fainted on her way to the dressing room and died in spite of the medical attention she received from a mobile hospital unit.
The doctors who treated her diagnosed her with heart failure. The young woman’s father told police that the model had gone several days without eating. In Uruguay’s close neighbor, Argentina, more and more women are struggling with body obsession. The USA leads the world in deaths caused by eating disorders, followed by Japan and Germany.
Survival of the thinnest and This is the model who sparked size zero debate are both about Luisel Ramos.
These two young models are two too many dead for eating disorders.
Hopefully the result will be slowly forcing the model and fashion industry to look at its sick standards, and slowly change them. Madrid fashion week has already added a minimum BMI to be applied for the models. One fashion show is a good start, then to have Milan, London, New York, Tokyo, Paris and the rest. And needless to say, fashion magazines still have way too many girls in the pictures that are way too tiny. Even if the tinyness was a result of just good photoshopping skills, it isn't sure promoting the young women's and men's acceptance of their body in its natural form and shape.
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